Tuesday, October 29, 2013

still the anger

still the anger and i am so tired of it, oozing into the corners of my soul.I want to scream, to hit something or some one to break something into little pieces hoping it will break the hold on my heart. I've tried to believe that the things my father says and does isn't him, that it is the damage going on in his brain, but it really him with all the filters gone, all the control. he has always had a mean streak in him and it is unchecked now. what i really want to say is ihatehimihatehimihatehimihate him i hate him ihate him i hate him i hate him i hate him ihate him ihate him i hate him ihate himhate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate

still the anger
    oozing into the corners of my soul

I want to scream
                         hit something
or some one to break into little pieces

     hoping it will break the hold on my heart

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