Monday, January 21, 2013

writing again after so long

Nothing, Nothing, Nothing,
It stretches before me
As far as the heart can see
One emptiness after another
Comforting & soul sucking
So much promise evaporated
Gone in the blink of a life


I am afraid to feel the anger
    to face it, not run from it
If I go down that road
    will I be able to take the
Sweet path back when I come to that fork?

Or will anger become the well traveled road?

If I look into the black lonely
    hole my soul is in
will it become who I am
    not what I feel?

Will the sweet release
   become sweeter than life?

Let go?     Go on?


If I sit, quiet
    no thinking, no feeling
Just being

Sweet, sweet, take my breath
away, soul searing, heart busting
make everything worth it



Tuesday, January 1, 2013

what I want for 2013

Grace to handle some of the big crappy things I’d been dealt, and grace to move forward. And thrive.
This year, I want faith. Faith that what I’m doing is the right thing, and this is all going to work out in the end, even if it’s a lot of hard work and penny pinching for now. Patience and compassion when dealing with my father.

A job
Good people in my life and negative people out of it.

Missing Christmas

I miss Christmas. For the last few years I haven't had a home of my own. It has been hard because where i am I haven't always been welcomeing. It is with family and i haven't always been able to depend on them. They have given me a place to stay but it has been very grudgingly so I have tried to make myself as small as possible. it hasn't always worked but I try. But I miss Christmas so much. I was one of those crazy people who did a ton of baking and then gave them to everyone in sight and I loved it. I had Christmas music playing in November. I got very excited when the Grinch was on TV, and Charlie Brown and Rudolph. Like the rest of my life, I've let it slip away.

Somehow I need to find a place i can call my own, a home, my home. I need quiet, calm, peace, warmth, love, friendship.